Green Roof Survey : Resultados 2007

Apresentamos os Resultados do "Green Roof Survey" para o ano 2007 , publicado em Abril deste ano:

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6th Annual Conference (2008) da
Green Roofs for Healthy Cities:

Top Ten Green Roof Cities in North America, Square Footage Implemented, 2007
Chicago IL - Illinois 517,633
Wilmington DE - Delaware 195,600
Baltimore MD - Maryland 121,550
Brooklyn NY - New York 102,908
Virginia Beach VA 100,500
Royersford PA - Pennsylvania 100,000
Toronto ON - Ontario 83,055
Calgary AB - Alberta 61,720
Washington DC 55,046


Green roofs provide multiple public and private benefits and represent a critically important
development in our collective efforts to move towards healthy and restorative buildings and
communities. This survey allows us to measure the degree of policy support among various
governments for this type of living architecture and is one small measure of our progress in
moving towards sustainability in North America. The survey results indicate that there
remains enormous potential growth opportunity on new and existing buildings in cities across
North America. Increasingly, government policy makers are recognizing the wealthy
contribution green roofs can make to addressing common infrastructure challenges and

implementing supportive policies and programs

um sistema de implementaçao de "green Roofs":

Centro de Estudos na Universidadade de Pennsylvania

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