.The Culture Collection of Algae at the Department of Botany, University of Coimbra (ACOI) was built in 1972 for institutional research purposes, by diligence of Prof. J. F. Mesquita. Its existence is due essentially to the arduous work of Dr. M. Fátima Santos, a principal researcher at this Department since 1967. Except when mentioned otherwise, all the listed strains were isolated and identified by her, from field samples collected across the country by many different persons. A few strains are from S. Tomé and Príncipe, Spain and Morocco. A first list of strains was published by Santos & Mesquita (1986) and included 167 taxa (strains and species), mostly isolated from central Portugal. A detailed history of the "Algoteca" can be found in this work. Two supplements were posteriorly added by Santos (1988) and Santos et al. (1993), with 88 and 194 new taxa, respectively. In the present list, a few taxa listed before that died in the meanwhile are therefore not included and some others have their scientific names changed, in accordance with recent literature. The ACOI collection provides experimental organisms for research and didactic purposes within the Department and other national and international institutions. The cultures are unialgal, mostly not axenic. They are available by sale exchange, whenever required. Funds received from the sale of cultures are used for maintenance requirements and improvement of the collection. Diligences are being made to enlarge the actual area of the Algoteca, in order to develop also a section for seaweed cultivation.
The cultivation of algal species at the Department of Botany goes back to 1974. Since then, many types of culture media recipes, previously developed and published by authorities on this subject, were tried, modified or mixed in order to suit their growth requirements. Also, physical space and staff limitations to maintain the increasing number of cultures, made it necessary to reduce the culture media recipes to the fewer number possible. A total of only six different media, prepared according to the recipes given below, are used to grow the listed strains and also other two thousand waiting for identification to species level. Therefore, the cultures are maintained at 18-20ºC, under a 12:12 h light: dark cycle (100-120 µmol m-2 s-1) on media which are not necessarily the best for their growth. All culture vessels are glass, reusable and they are sterilised at 180ºC, before preparation of the media. The liquid (L) or agarized (A) media are then poured into these vessels, either cotton-capped 100/200 ml Erlenmeyer flasks or 200x25 mm test tubes and autoclaved.
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