Casa da Música , Porto 5 de Fevereiro 2009
Reportagem Nucleo AP / Portfolio Arquitecto Paisagista
Organizado pela Ordem dos Arquitectos (secção regional Norte) , que comemora os seus 10 Anos, os membros do blog nucleo Ap e amigos deslocaram-se no dia 5 de Fevereiro a casa da musica para ouvir um destacado Arquitecto Paisagista Contemporâneo , aqui ficam alguns registos desse evento:
Referência de Günther Vogt a Claude Levi-Strauss como elemento gerador do seu pensamento enquanto Arquitecto Paisagista
Bricoleur and Engineer
Levi-Strauss developed the comparison of the Bricoleur and Engineer in The Savage Mind. “Bricoleur” has its origin in the old French verb Bricoler which refers to extraneous movements in ball games, billiards, hunting, shooting, and riding. It has come to mean one who works with his hands, usually in devious or "crafty" ways when compared to the true craftsman, whom Levi-Strauss equates with the Engineer. The Bricoleur is adept at many tasks and at putting preexisting things together in new ways. The Engineer deals with projects in their entirety, taking into account the availability of materials and tools required. The Bricoleur approximates the mind of "the savage mind" and the Engineer approximates the scientific mind. Levi-Strauss says that the universe of the Bricoleur is closed, and he is often forced to make do with whatever is at hand, whereas the universe of the Engineer is open in that he is able to create new tools and materials. However, both live within a restrictive reality, and so the Engineer is forced to consider the preexisting set of theoretical and practical knowledge, of technical means, in a similar way to the Bricoleur.
A paisagem como elemento de percepção do mundo , tal como Francesco Petrarca inaugurou com a sua subida ao Mont Ventoux.
A geologia entre outras ciencias da Natureza, a importancia destas, para o pensamento e projecto em Arquitectura Paisagista que distingue particularmente do exercicio tout-court da Arquitectura: "Um arquitecto pode dirigir-se a um fabricante de materiais e escolher o betão ou qualquer outro elemento de construção que melhor se adeque a sua visão,o Arquitecto Paisagista nao se pode deslocar ao viveiro (nursery) e pedir a melhor arvore que melhos se adeque a um determinado projecto , sao os sistemas vivos" , as ciencias da natureza sao o principal elemento para o sucesso de umprojecto em Arquitectura Paisagista
Principal meio de projectação para Günther Vogt antes mesmo do esquiço e do desenho é a criação de maquetes , o maior possivel . Durante a apresentação de G.Vogt , tornou-se evidente esta noção inclusivé na realização de maquetes a escala real!
Primeira referência a obra de Vogt a participação no Master Plan dos Jogos Olimpicos de Verão de Londres 2012 onde se insere numa vasta equipa multidisciplinar
Floor Area: 2,000,000m²
lympic Delivery Authority: (ODA)
DA, Lend Lease, homes and communities Agency affordable housing fund, LDA, London Mayors Office, Stratford City Development
Master Planner:
DAW Consortium
Olympic Legacy Master Plan:
CAP, EDAW, Allies and Morrison, Caruso St John, Maccreanor Lavington, Vogt Landscape, McDowell + Benedetti, Haworth Tompkins, Panter Hudspith, S333, Camlin Lonsdale, Buro Happold, Beyond Green, JMP, PMP, Vision XS and Nick Ritblat
Athletes Village Architects:
a Architects, Alison Brooks Architects, Amin Taha Architects, Architects In Residence, Block Architecture, Brendeland & Kristofferson Architects AS (Norway), Camenzind Evolution (Switzerland), Caruso
NORD Architecture, John McAslan &Partners, Vogt Landschaftarchitekten, Patel Taylor and Fletcher Priest, Alford Hall Monaghan Morris, Zaha Hadid, S&P, HOK Sport (architect)
Specialist Contractors
Arup, Atkins, Carillion, Igloo, Elyo, EDF Energy Construction, Lea Valley Utilities, Hopkins Architects, Expedition Engineering, BDSP, Grant Associates, Bovis lend Lease, First Base Ltd, East Thames Group, ISG, Balfour Beatty, Ove Arup, Sir Robert McAlpin
Günther Vogt
apresentado na sessão do dia 5 de Fevereiro
Exhibition at the Kunsthaus Bregenz
Exhibition at the Kunsthaus Bregenz
The mediated motion
The mediated motion
On all four levels, odours, fog, water, plants, and soil caused the strictly orthogonal, concrete-and-glass architecture of Peter Zumthor to metamorphose into a path "of experience and awareness of experiencing" (Eliasson). This installation, to be walked on, describes a space of experience fashioned out of cultivated nature in which the visible also includes the hidden. Precisely because of the seeming invisibility of the physically perceivable, the various vistas create their own tissue of references – through seeing and remembering. A familiar theme situated in a strange environment refers to the background. Vivid and graphic thought releases insights in the beholder’s memory. He thus recognises the familiar but invisible connection: the theme is physically real, the background virtual. The precise presentation and experience of the visual surface evokes – by looking and remembering, seeing and thinking – individual and social ideas and recalls familiar experiences.
Eliasson described this relationship as follows: "The public is the work, as everything else continually changes
Masoala Rain Forest Hall, Zurich Zoo
Masoala Rain Forest Hall, Zurich Zoo
Constructed Nature
Constructed Nature
The first impression on entering the rain forest of the hall is its exotic climate. Warm, heavy, and humid air envelops visitors and plants alike. The humidity is immediately soaked up by the protective clothing. Constantly changing scents of mould and blossoms confuse the senses. The sonorous roaring of the waterfall gradually increases until it is, all of a sudden, visible between the trees in the distance. Twittering and chirping add their own mood to the uniform background noise and suggest the presence of cicadas and birds. Full of promise, fruits draw us to the trees, but only the animals succumb to their attraction. The visible is only part of this exotic world. The old familiarity of our daily environment is called into question. Ultimately, what we see dissolves and our glance is lost among finely crafted palm fronds, mighty tree trunks, and the constantly changing play of light and shade.
The first impression on entering the rain forest of the hall is its exotic climate. Warm, heavy, and humid air envelops visitors and plants alike. The humidity is immediately soaked up by the protective clothing. Constantly changing scents of mould and blossoms confuse the senses. The sonorous roaring of the waterfall gradually increases until it is, all of a sudden, visible between the trees in the distance. Twittering and chirping add their own mood to the uniform background noise and suggest the presence of cicadas and birds. Full of promise, fruits draw us to the trees, but only the animals succumb to their attraction. The visible is only part of this exotic world. The old familiarity of our daily environment is called into question. Ultimately, what we see dissolves and our glance is lost among finely crafted palm fronds, mighty tree trunks, and the constantly changing play of light and shade.
Forum 3, Novartis Campus, Basel
Forum 3, Novartis Campus, Basel
Room of Plants
Room of Plants
The Space for Plants in the Novartis office building houses a large variety of plants, distributed much as they would be in their natural habitats into ground, bush, and tree levels. The selection refers to the different characteristics of these plants – from the medicinal to the purely decorative.
In the intensive environment of daily work, this "Space for Plants" also offers a welcome diversion within the normal course of office life. On entering the Plant Rooms, people directly experience an abundance of impressions through their senses: constantly changing views of the plants and the smell of growth and decay. Similar to an urban passageway, one is immersed for a brief moment in time into a different climate, while the façades are turned into backdrops. Analogous to the actual rain forest, each storey presents another view of nature through its windows: giant tree trunks from the first floor, some of them up to twelve metres high and weighing over ten tons; dense branches, orchids and rampant greenery from the second floor; and the tangled foliage of treetops and lianas from the third and fourth floors.
The Space for Plants in the Novartis office building houses a large variety of plants, distributed much as they would be in their natural habitats into ground, bush, and tree levels. The selection refers to the different characteristics of these plants – from the medicinal to the purely decorative.
In the intensive environment of daily work, this "Space for Plants" also offers a welcome diversion within the normal course of office life. On entering the Plant Rooms, people directly experience an abundance of impressions through their senses: constantly changing views of the plants and the smell of growth and decay. Similar to an urban passageway, one is immersed for a brief moment in time into a different climate, while the façades are turned into backdrops. Analogous to the actual rain forest, each storey presents another view of nature through its windows: giant tree trunks from the first floor, some of them up to twelve metres high and weighing over ten tons; dense branches, orchids and rampant greenery from the second floor; and the tangled foliage of treetops and lianas from the third and fourth floors.
Greulich Hotel, Zurich
Greulich Hotel, Zurich
Different views
By remodelling the commercially used rooms into Hotel Greulich, new courtyards were created, some of which are only accessible to hotel guests. The selection of materials and plants still refers to the former factory courtyard.
A striking design element of the exterior spaces is the birch court planted with birches from the Garden of Violence of Expo.02. Their serial and yet random arrangement dominates the view. Depending on whether an observer is standing in the garden or looking from a hotel window, different aspects become visible: trunks, crowns, or the copse-like leafy canopy are only partly visible. Furthermore, the jump in scale created by the partial lighting and the play of shadows this creates on the walls of the house is somewhat confusing.
In the car-park and delivery areas, the white colour of the birch trunks contrasts with the tarmac. In spring, the lilies of the valley beneath the trees give off an intensive fragrance.
Novartis Campus Park,Basel
To The Rhine
Novartis Park is part of the Norvartis St. Johann industrial park at the border triangle in Basel. It is being converted from a production site into a research and administration centre. Besides being the company headquarters, the campus should also serve as a functional and attractive place to work and meet.
Yet geological maps of the Basel area expose a hidden landscape. The design for novartis Park traces it as a composition of the Upper Rhine Valley’s geomorphic and vegetative phenomena. As in the naturally created surrounding landscape, these natural phenomena are sequentially reconstructed on a small scale and merged by means of design into an atmospheric park landscape.
The park area, situated farthest from the river’s shore, is designed as a forest of indigenous woody plants where huge glacial erratics have remained as the oldest evidence of glacial activity. Large expanses of lawns form the middle section of the park, which is planted with diverse, mainly exotic, solitaire woody plants. The lower land terraces facing the Rhine extend outward. They are comprised of tall marsh vegetation and are largely free of trees.
The Green - Novartis Campus
um projecto apresentado na sessão de Günther Vogt foi um espaço inserido no campus Novartis definido pelo nome The Green , um green roof de um parque de estacionamento localizado em frente a um edificio de Frank Ghery ... após algumas pesquisas foi impossivel recolher imagens para este projecto , que é bastante arrojado
ficam as imagens do edificio do Ghery
Parque em Basileia
Parque em Basileia
nao foram recolhidas as informações necessarias para uma melhor percepção deste projecto
WSJ-158 Sanaa Building, Novartis Campus, Basel
Exact Landscape
The Sanaa Building stands at the entrance to the grounds. A slender, six-storey building, it is distinguished by extreme transparency. Like the architecture, the design of the courtyard is restricted to minimal interventions. Only two elements were used: water and sandstone.
The greenish sandstone slabs were placed in the courtyard according to a strict grid. Because the square natural stone slabs differ in thickness and were stacked in various combinations, there is no uniform plane, but rather an irregular checkerboard pattern. Because they differ in height, certain slabs are above the water level and remain dry, whereas others are barely covered or clearly covered by water. The different heights also manifest a subtle play of colours, because the stones are darker or lighter when seen through water or not
Allianz Arena, Munich
Allianz Arena, Munich
Designing the surroundings of the New Stadium on this site meant building an entire landscape. The theme and pictures of this design are developed from the specific context. The design programme and the materials for its realisation required an incursion into the landscape and suggested blending it with its surroundings. The use of plants and elements of vegetation typical for this landscape led, in the sense of a mimesis, to the integration and embedding of the complex building and an enhancement of the landscape as such. The resulting dialogue with the decisive features of this space was deliberate. The building and the landscape architecture are mutually dependent. The architectural volume is part of the city landscape and represents a kind of picture puzzle between nature and artificiality. This hybrid combination of landscape and park is intended not only as a platform for the stadium building but also as a deliberate starting-point for the assessment of today’s definition of a park
Urban Design in The Arab World
Não encontramos as imagens referentes a estes projectos
apenas uma das imagens apresentadas por Vogt , que nos remetem para a História da Arquitectura Paisagista ou da Arte dos Jardins!
apenas uma das imagens apresentadas por Vogt , que nos remetem para a História da Arquitectura Paisagista ou da Arte dos Jardins!
Home of Fifa, Zurich
Game of the Continents
The new headquarters of the FIFA international football association on the Zürichberg is at the same time an office building for almost 300 persons and a training centre for trainers and referees. The site is surrounded by woodland on two sides and is distinguished by its striking topography.
The design comprises a park-like leisure zone for outdoor recreation and relaxation and a sport and exercise zone. The whole green area is accessed by a meandering footpath that penetrates far into the grounds and passes through dense woodland vegetation, creating playful variations of light and shade.
A strong contrast is provided by the extensive playing fields area, which conveys a feeling of spaciousness. Four training areas of differing sizes and with different surfaces are also planned.
The third outdoor element is the green, non-enterable interior courtyard, which resembles a damp, mossy glade with a number of tall trees and affords a year-round view of the greened area from the windows.
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