In April 2008, the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) memberassociations around the world answered with enthusiasm the call to plan an event onthe occasion of the World Landscape Architecture Month. Events from ASLA’s (USA)campaign encouraging its members to introduce their career to high school students,the CSLA-AAPC (Canada) and its second-year poster competition, NZILA’s (NewZealand) conference on emerging modes of design practice, a conference onLandscape and Art organized by the NLA (Norway), management on green spacesconference in Portugal (APAP), an exhibition of contemporary landscape architecture inIreland (ILI) to the week of Landscape Architecture in Mexico (SAPM), a studentworkshop, a commemorative plantation, the launching of a publication in Argentina(CAAP) and a cinematographic cycle on Landscape Architecture in Uruguay (AUDADP)to mention some which were recorded by several media. All these events contributed topromote the profession around the world.
,The month of April is special for the profession as it encompasses the birthday ofFrederick Law Olmsted, the designer of Central Park, New York and founder of theAmerican landscape architecture profession on April 26; Earth Day on April 22, and theInternational Day for Monuments and Sites on 18 April.
And again, for April 2009:
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