Teoria e Critica da Paisagem
Landscape Urbanism

James Corner, no seu ensaio : "Terra Fluxus," descreve as principais qualidades do "Landscape Urbanism":
Process in time:
Process in time:
urbanization is a dynamic process characterized more by terms like fluidity, spontaneous feedback, and non-linearity, than stability, predictability, or rationality. Ecology and systems theory are concepts inherent to the city.
Surface, not form:
horizontality and sprawl in places like Los Angeles, Atlanta, Houston, San Jose, and the suburban fringes of most American cites is the new urban reality. As many theories of urbanism attempt to ignore this fact, landscape urbanism accepts it and tries to understand it. Traditional notions of program and structure are not useful in this diffuse urban condition--their scope is small and limiting. Landscape urbanism uses 'territories' and 'potential' instead of 'program' to define a place's use; it finds thinking in terms of adaptable 'systems' instead of rigid 'structures' as a better way to organize space.
the traditional character of the city; formlessness characterizes nature, that which has been untouched by human intent. This city/nature duality is critical to most theories of the city and nature. Landscape urbanists argue that this is duality is naive and argue for a conflation of landscape and building.
new working methods
new working methods
imagination and speculation
imagination and speculation
"Landscape Urbanism describes a disciplinary realignmentcurrently underway in which landscape replacesarchitecture as the basic building block of contemporaryurbanism. For many, across a range of disciplines,landscape has become both the lens through which thecontemporary city is represented and the medium throughwhich it is constructed."
Charles Waldheim
"terra fluxus"
The landscape Urbanism reader
coord Charles Waldheim
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