David Attenborough está de regresso ao seu grande meio : o do cinema Documental desta vez apos conclusao da grande serie LIFE constituida por 9 temporadas que retratam quase tudo o que ha a dizer sobre vida na terra , Sir David ... regressa para aquela que pode ser considerada - pelo menos na minha perspectiva- a ultimo grande e definitivo testemunho sobre as alteraçoes Climáticas depois de An Inconvenient Truth de Al Gore e The 11th Hour de Di Caprio sem - para mais ver o post que dediquei a documentarios sobre as alteraçoes climáticas : http://nucleoap.blogspot.com/2007/11/guia-alteraoes-climaticas-em.html -
Nao esquecer que o propio Attenborough ja tinha feito uma serie de 3 episodios sobre o estado do planeta (the State of the planet) em 2000 : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_of_the_Planet
Product Description
Sir David Attenborough undertakes a personal journey to discover how global warming is changing the planet he knows so well. The Truth About Climate Change is a two part documentary presented by David Attenborough who asks the question What is the future for our world? In programme one, Sir David searches the EVIDENCE FOR GLOBAL WARMING to establish what is causing it. Some extraordinary phenomena have taken place in recent times; Hurricane Katrina, the heat wave of 2003, polar bears swimming in search of ice and vast swarms of insects enveloping an African village. But are these isolated incidents or are they omens of a greater global change? Sir David discovers that the world is warming at an unprecedented rate, and finds out why this is now far beyond any normal allowance for cyclical fluctuation. And as ice crashes into the sea, Professor Ian Stirling darts and weighs polar bears, showing that a shorter hunting season caused by diminishing ice is affecting their breeding and health. The world that David brought to the screen in Life in the Freezer may be about to disappear. But are humans to blame? These changes are already in motion whatever we do now, but Sir David believes that we may be able to act to prevent a catastrophe. In programme two, Sir David ASSESSES THE PREDICTIONS FOR GLOBAL WARMING to discover what may happen to our world in the future and asks what we can do to save it? How can we lessen the impact on future generations? People around the world are having to adapt their way of life as the climate changes; the Inuit in the Arctic whose hunting is now limited, the Pacific island inhabitants forced to move as their homes disappear beneath the waves, and the Siberian homes slowly sinking into the permafrost. The programme investigates some of the possible scenarios for the future, including rise in sea level, insect plagues and an increase in diseases. The Truth about Climate Change is a call to arms by the man who has shown us so much over the years of our rapidly changing planet.
David Attenborough's engaging BBC documentary details the plight of our world at the hands of our ever-changing climate. Attenborough takes a look at some recent examples of extreme weather conditions, such as Hurricane Katrina and the heatwave of 2003, as well as discussing some of the possible scenarios for our future.
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