"No seminário do ano de 1964, Lacan fez da transferência um dos quatro conceitos fundamentais da psicanálise, ao lado do inconsciente, da repetição e da pulsão.Definiu-a como a encenação,através da experiência analítica,da realidade do inconsciente. Esta perspectiva levou-o a ligar a experiência à pulsão." (E. Roudinesco e M. Plon,"Dicionário da Psicanálise",Mem Martins, Ed. Inquérito, 2000,p. 755). Depois de Freud e de Lacan (entre outros) a nossa visão do ser humano não ficou igual.
É assim que começa o Blog do meu antigo Professor de Arte da Pré-Historia e da disciplina de Arqueologia e Patrimonio dos meus tempos de Faculdade de Letras . Em maré de sorte acabei por ser o visitante 50 000 deste blog de grande qualidade e a todos os que nos visitam nao deixem de o visitar diariamente.
O professor Vitor Jorge é um individuo notavel do mundo Academico e nao quero perder a oportunidade de o apresentar aos nossos visitatantes para isso vou-me socorrer do site da sua autoria :, mas antes disso, muito agradecido pelos ensinamentos que adquiri nas suas aulas , pelas actividades extras como conferencias e ciclos de conferencias como as da primavera, nao tive oportunidade de estar naquela dedicada à arquitectura da terra e por isso lamento pois é um tema que me fascina....
segue entao a apresentaçao retirada do site architectures
Professor Vitor Oliveira Jorge
Born in Lisbon, January 1948, married September 1972.
Degree in History – Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon – July 1972 – matter of the degree thesis: Lower and Middle Paleolithic pebble tools of the South of Portugal
Lecturer of the University of Luanda (Lubango): 1973 – 1974
Lecturer of the University of Porto: 1974 - 1982
Doctor in Prehistory and Archaeology – Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto – October 1982 - matter of Ph. D dissertation: Megalithic passage graves of Northern Portugal
Auxiliary professor, Associate professor of the University of Porto – Faculty of Arts – 1982-1990
Aggregation in History (Prehistory) – Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto – June 1989 – matter of public lesson: Passage grave necropolis in Atlantic EuropeProfessor of Archaeology – Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto – May 1990
Professor of Heritage Sciences and Techniques - Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto – since February 2001
Research interests
Period: Late Prehistory (Neolithic, Copper Age, Bronze Age)
Kind of societies: post-palaeolithic societies without an organization based on the State (processes of social complexification and of construction of social coesion with no formal state apparatus).
Kinds of subjects: organization of space; architecture; “art”(graphic expression, markimng of the landscape); mental representations of the world in connection with social and economic conditions; role of archaeology and heritage in a postmodern world; connection between archaeology and anthropology of non-European, non-state societies.
Graduation courses:
History and Theory of Archaeology
Archaeology and Heritage
Post-graduation courses or research coordination fields:
Preparation of Ph.D’s inLate Prehistoric Archaeology (Neolithic, Copper and Bronze Age architectures); Heritage issues and social role of Archaeology in contemporary society
Other activities
- President of the Committee for the Constitution of the Portuguese Institute of Archaeology (Ministry of Culture) (1995/96)
- President of UISPP (since 2002)- President of the Portuguese Society of Anthropology and Ethnology (SPAE) (since 1990)
- Founder and President of ADECAP – Association for the Improvement of Copperation in Iberian Archaeology (since 1997)
- Secretary-General (Portugal) of the 1rst (Porto) and 3rd (Vila Real) Congresses of Iberian Archaeology .
- General editor of Trabalhos de Antropologia e Etnologia (journal of SPAE, published since 1919 – thematic area since 1997: social sciences)
- Founder and general editor of Journal of Iberian Archaeology (journal of ADECAP, published since 1998
– thematic area: Iberian archaeology)
- Coordinator of the Porto’s Spring Round-tables (interdisciplinary debates on Heritage) since 1997
- C. 300 titles published (papers, books, etc.)- Co-direction of archaeological excavations since 1970
- Literary production: several books of poems published
Em relaçao ao nosso blog esta proximo dos 1000 visitantes claro que é um blog mais familiar feito com carinho mas de forma modesta e humilde creio que interessante mas isso so os nossos visitantes poderam afirmar ..... um dia talvez chegaremos aos 50 000 visitantes quem sabe tambem começamos à pouco tempo e a nossas estatisticas so esta a funcionar deste meados de Outubro por isso em dois meses quase 1000 visitantes nao esta mal para um modesto blog ... continuem a visitar-nos e divulguem.............................
Jorge Ayala_ Project 001_ Lemon Chic, Monterrey, Mexico
Fotografia, Marco Guerrero Monica Lobo Isa Jaime Andy Benavides Fernanda
Polin y Andy Benavides Diana Campa Zere Vives Charito Dalessio y Zere
Vives Char...
Há 7 anos
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